Doctor of Physical Therapy
University of St. Augustin, FL (2009)
Physical Therapy
Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
American Academy of Cranio-Facial Pain - AACP
American Physical Therapy Association - APTA
Texas Physical Therapy Association - TPTA
Kaplan College Program, Physical Therapy Assistant Program
Brightwood College, Physical Therapy Assistant Program
Texas Tech University, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Musculoskeletal Disorders in Singers of Every Age
Singers Symposium, Dallas - "Voice Through the Ages", 2017
Be Joint Smart
National Psoriasis Foundation Conference, Dallas, 2016, 2014
Cranio-Facial, Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction
Hygiene Study Club, Dallas, 2016
Living with Osteoporosis
Bone Buddies Support Group for Osteoporosis, Dallas, 2015
Craniomandibular and Facial Dysfunction
Colegio de Kinesiólogos, Chile, 1996
Diagnosis and Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
International Dentistry Symposium, Peru, 1995
Craniomandibular and Craniocervical Evaluation
Postgraduate Course for Orthodontists, Chile, 1995
Evaluation and Beginnings of the Craniocervical System Treatment
Course for Physical Therapists, Chile, 1993
CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), Plano, TX
Medical Reserve Corps, Plano, TX
Dr. Perez is a Physical Therapist with over 30 years of experience in treating dysfunctions to the head, neck, face, and temporomandibular joints.
Dr. Perez obtained her Physical Therapy degree at Universidad del Norte in Chile. She later earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of St. Augustine in Florida, where she also successfully completed the Cranio-Facial Certification.
Dr. Perez has been trained in Chile and in USA by Dr. Mariano Rocabado, the world expert in physical therapy treatments for cranio-cervical and cranio-mandibular (TMJ) disfunctions.
Dr. Perez specialization focuses on dysfunctions and problems to the head, face, mouth, lips, temporo-mandibular joint, neck, back, shoulders, and postural alignment.
Patient’s dysfunctions may arise from several sources, including stress, surgeries, plastic/reconstructive surgeries, post radiation treatments (cancer/tumors), work-related injuries, and accidents. These issues may also relate to headaches, whiplash, postural problems, muscle tension dysphonia (difficulty with talking, singing), and muscle tension dysphagia (difficulty with swallowing).
Currently Dr. Perez evaluates and treats patients with Orthopedics Disorders, Postural Dysfunctions, Headaches, Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Muscle Tension Dysphagia, Temporomandibular Joint Pain, Neck Pain, Orofacial Pain, Cranio-cervico-mandibular Pain, Post-surgical Facial Reconstructive Surgeries (including Crouzon Syndrome, Pierre Robin Syndrome, Treacher Collins Syndrome), Arnold Chiari Malformation status post-surgery, tightness in the neck and face secondary radiation treatment (cancer/tumors to the throat, tongue, neck), leading to anterior neck dysfunctions such as muscle tension dysphonia and/or dysphagia.
The work ethics that Dr. Perez employs is personalized and comprehensive. Dr. Perez treats patients in a one-on-one basis which allows the treatment to be carried along with an educational component.
Patient education is essential during physical therapy treatment. As part of her comprehensive approach, Dr. Perez teaches her patients self-care, anatomical structures involved, nature of symptoms, and how to recognize and prevent stressors that may aggravate those symptoms, while providing a complete home exercise program to prevent further injuries.
Dr. Perez has given several courses, seminars, conferences, meetings in the topic of cranio-facial, cranio-mandibular and cranio-cervical dysfunctions, osteoporosis, psoriatic arthritis to doctors, dentists, and community groups.
High Five Physical Therapy
12222 Merit Drive, Suite 320, Dallas, TX 75251
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